The Red Lion Inn is located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and is one of the most quintessential, boutique, country hotels in the Berkshires.
Located right in the downtown center of Stockbridge MA, you’ll find Red Lion Inn with its pleasant and charming aura that stands tall and welcomes all.
Entering the Inn is a wonderful experience because you can see the cozy lounge, wood-burning fireplace, grand piano, exquisite dining space, glass chandeliers, rich upholstered furniture and an overall vibe that screams historic New England luxury.
The Red Lion Inn offers four different lodging experiences between the Main Inn, Maple Glen, Village Houses, and a 2-story standalone building and guesthouse for a truly unique stay.
Main Dining rroom
Lion's Den
is the red lion in haunted?
The entire Inn is said to be haunted, but the most paranormal activity is said to take place in room 301 where there have been reports of strange apparitions, bed covers being tugged, the sound of footsteps heard and felt throughout the room and strange figures at the end of the bed. Despite all the reports of hauntings at this hotel, many still flock to get a taste of the great reputation and memorable experience!