Strategically mapping out your trip and building in healthy practices is a really smart way to stay healthy, even while on the go.
Exercise can help boost your immune system, keep you burning calories throughout the day and overall make you feel great for your travels.
Massages help loosen our tension, pain, muscles and act as a detox to your body which can significantly reduce lethargic and tight pains from traveling.
Sleep deprivation is proven to cause drowsiness, irritability, decrease energy levels and cause slower thinking which can be tough to deal with during your travels.
Water solves so many of our problems throughout the day including lethargy, headaches, hunger, energy, mood and more.
Alcohol severely dehydrates you, makes you drowsy, limits your decision-making and can increase your risk of feeling sick. Avoid it all together during your travels, you’ll be better off and can fully enjoy a cocktail when you get there.
Some healthy snacks you can bring include bananas, apple slices, beef jerky, dried fruit, popcorn, granola bars and nuts.
Travel medicine I suggest packing includes ibuprofen, Tylenol, Claritin, Dramamine, Airborne, Tums, Pepto Bismol and Emergen-C.
There are convenient travel first-aid kits that include things like bandaids, gauze, alcohol pads, Neosporin, small scissors and safety pins.
My personal favorite skincare brands include Tula (use 15JESS for 15% off), Bliss, Drunk Elephant, Glossier and Herbal Face Food.
using the hotel gym, exercising in your room, going for a walk, etc. whenever you can, will help contribute to your overall health, energy level and happiness during the trip.
Generally, the best foods you can stick to when staying healthy while traveling include greens, fruits, beans, nuts, whole wheats, chicken, rice, lean beef, fish and lemon.
If you have rituals and comforts you do at home to stay in a safe place, do those in your travels too. Feeling physically good is important, but mental health is equally as important, if not more.